Abstracts must be received by February 28, 2023, 5 p.m. ET.
Abstracts of original work may be submitted for poster presentation. Work submitted early and work by trainees will receive special consideration. Please carefully follow the instructions for abstract submission.*
The abstract must be in the form of a Microsoft® Word Document (preferred) or in Adobe® portable document format (PDF) with the following specifications:
ONE PAGE ONLY 8.5”x11” with 1” margins on all sides.
FONT Times New Roman, 12 point.
TITLE Centered, Bold, Title case.
AUTHORS Centered. Last name followed by first and middle initials only (without comma or periods—as on PubMed). Degree (MD, RN, RRT, PhD) may be included. Names separated by a comma with a period at the end (as on PubMed).
AFFILIATION Centered. Include Department(s), University/Hospital, City, State/ Province. Use standard abbreviations where applicable.
ABSTRACT Include four sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Case reports should include three sections: Introduction, Report, and Conclusion. Start each section on a different line with the title in boldface followed by a semicolon. There is a maximal 300 words per abstract.
Submissions that do not strictly conform to these specifications will be rejected. Abstracts will not be reformatted before printing/publication. Please minimize the use of special fonts, characters, and extraneous formatting. If formatting problems are likely but unavoidable, submit a properly formatted PDF copy.
* Please note that previously published abstracts may be submitted for consideration.